1. Keep track of time and materials on the scene
We provide customized time tracking forms that help you keep track of personnel and materials used on the scene. We will use the information from this form to calculate your final invoice amount.
2. Enter your incident data into our system
The login area on this website allows you to enter the incident data into our system. The electronic submission system is fully automated; there is no need to send us any paperwork from your end.
3. We bill the responsible party and take care of the paperwork for you
When you have submitted your incident data, we process your information and submit invoices to the responsible party and their insurance company to recover your costs.
Sounds great! What does it cost?
We charge insurance companies fifteen percent (15%) of your total invoice amount for our services. This way you will be able to receive 100% of your invoice. We will establish an escrow account for your department using ten percent (10%) of the cost of the incident cleanup materials that we provide at no charge. This escrow account will be used as an inventory management fee and will be held until the amount equals the value of inventory placed in your care.
If you are interested in signing up for our cost recovery service, please contact us.